LLM.C 中的 CUDA Kernel


__global__ void __launch_bounds__(16*16, 2) matmul_forward_kernel4(float* out,
                                                                   const float* inp, const float* weight, const float* bias,
                                                                   int C, int OC) {
    // out is (B,T,OC). OC is short for "output channels", e.g. OC = 4 * C
    // inp is (B,T,C), weight is (OC, C), bias is (OC)
    // each thread handles 8x8 elements; each block 128 by 128 elements.
    int oc = 8*(blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y);

    // buffers to cache chunks of the input matrices
    __shared__ float lhs_s[128][32];
    __shared__ float rhs_s[128][32];

    // adjust our pointers for the current block
    inp += 128 * blockIdx.x * C;
    weight += 128 * blockIdx.y * C;
    out += 128 * blockIdx.x * OC + 128 * blockIdx.y;

    float vals[8][8] = {};
    if(bias != NULL) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j += 4) {
                float4 b = ld_vec(bias + oc + j);
                vals[i][j+0] = b.x;
                vals[i][j+1] = b.y;
                vals[i][j+2] = b.z;
                vals[i][j+3] = b.w;

    int si_start = 4*(16 * threadIdx.y + threadIdx.x);
    for (int so = 0; so < C; so += 32) {
        int xmod8 = threadIdx.x % 8;
        int xby8 = threadIdx.x / 8;
        int xo = 4 * xmod8;
        for(int y = 2 * threadIdx.y + xby8; y < 128; y += 32) {
            st_vec(&lhs_s[y][xo], ld_vec(inp + y * C + so + xo));
            st_vec(&rhs_s[y][xo], ld_vec(weight + y * C + so + xo));

        for (int si = si_start; si < si_start + 32; si += 4) {
            float4 rhs[8];
            for (int u = 0; u < 8; ++u) {
                rhs[u] = ld_vec(&rhs_s[u + 8 * threadIdx.y][si % 32]);

            for (int ii = 0; ii < 8; ++ii) {
                float4 lhs = ld_vec(&lhs_s[ii + 8 * threadIdx.x][si % 32]);
                for (int ji = 0; ji < 8; ++ji) {
                    vals[ii][ji] += lhs.x * rhs[ji].x;
                    vals[ii][ji] += lhs.y * rhs[ji].y;
                    vals[ii][ji] += lhs.z * rhs[ji].z;
                    vals[ii][ji] += lhs.w * rhs[ji].w;

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < 8; j += 4) {
            float4 result;
            result.x = vals[i][j + 0];
            result.y = vals[i][j + 1];
            result.z = vals[i][j + 2];
            result.w = vals[i][j + 3];
            st_vec(out + (8*threadIdx.x+i) * OC + 8*threadIdx.y + j, result);


对于 shape 为 [N, C] 和 [C, OC] 的矩阵乘法,每个 thread block 处理 [128, C] 和 [C, 128] 的矩阵乘法。计算 [128, C] * [C, 128] 的时候,每次将两个矩阵的一部分,即 [128, 32] 和 [32, 128] 加载到 shared memory 中,然后计算结果。这对应第一个 for loop

for (int so = 0; so < C; so += 32) {
    int xmod8 = threadIdx.x % 8;
    int xby8 = threadIdx.x / 8;
    int xo = 4 * xmod8;
    for(int y = 2 * threadIdx.y + xby8; y < 128; y += 32) {
        st_vec(&lhs_s[y][xo], ld_vec(inp + y * C + so + xo));
        st_vec(&rhs_s[y][xo], ld_vec(weight + y * C + so + xo));

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每个 thread block 包含 16 * 16 个 thread,thread block 中的 thread 一起协作把 [128, 32] 的两个矩阵分别加载到 shared memory 中。128 * 32 / (16 * 16) = 16,所以每个 thread 负责加载 16 个元素。threadidx (0, 0) 负责加载的元素如下图所示

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int xmod8 = threadIdx.x % 8;
int xby8 = threadIdx.x / 8;
int xo = 4 * xmod8;
for(int y = 2 * threadIdx.y + xby8; y < 128; y += 32) {
    st_vec(&lhs_s[y][xo], ld_vec(inp + y * C + so + xo));
    st_vec(&rhs_s[y][xo], ld_vec(weight + y * C + so + xo));

其中 st_vecld_vec 分别 store 和 load 4 个 float

__device__ float4 ld_vec(const float* address) {
    return *reinterpret_cast<const float4*>(address);

__device__ void st_vec(float* address, float4 val) {
    *reinterpret_cast<float4*>(address) = val;

一个 thread block 包含 16 * 16 个 thread,每个 thread 负责计算 [8, 32] * [32, 8] 的矩阵乘法。

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每个 thread 在计算 [8, 32] * [32, 8] 的时候,分成了更小的块去计算,一次计算 [8, 4] * [4, 8] 的矩阵乘法。

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对应如下两个 for loop

for (int si = si_start; si < si_start + 32; si += 4) {
    float4 rhs[8];
    for (int u = 0; u < 8; ++u) {
        rhs[u] = ld_vec(&rhs_s[u + 8 * threadIdx.y][si % 32]);

    for (int ii = 0; ii < 8; ++ii) {
        float4 lhs = ld_vec(&lhs_s[ii + 8 * threadIdx.x][si % 32]);
        for (int ji = 0; ji < 8; ++ji) {
            vals[ii][ji] += lhs.x * rhs[ji].x;
            vals[ii][ji] += lhs.y * rhs[ji].y;
            vals[ii][ji] += lhs.z * rhs[ji].z;
            vals[ii][ji] += lhs.w * rhs[ji].w;


__global__ void layernorm_forward_kernel3(float* __restrict__ out, float* __restrict__ mean, float* __restrict__ rstd,
                                    const float*  __restrict__ inp, const float*  __restrict__ weight,
                                    const float* __restrict__ bias, int N, int C) {
    cg::thread_block block = cg::this_thread_block();
    cg::thread_block_tile<32> warp = cg::tiled_partition<32>(block);
    int idx = blockIdx.x * warp.meta_group_size() + warp.meta_group_rank();
    if(idx >= N) {

    // the row of input that this group of threads is responsible for
    const float* x = inp + idx * C;

    // mean
    float sum = 0.0f;
    for (int i = warp.thread_rank(); i < C; i += warp.size()) {
        sum += x[i];
    sum = cg::reduce(warp, sum, cg::plus<float>{});
    float m = sum / C;
    if(warp.thread_rank() == 0 && mean != nullptr) {
        __stcs(mean + idx, m);

    // rstd
    sum = 0.0f;
    for (int i = warp.thread_rank(); i < C; i += warp.size()) {
        float diff = x[i] - m;
        sum += diff * diff;
    sum = cg::reduce(warp, sum, cg::plus<float>{});
    float s = rsqrtf(sum / C + 1e-5f);
    if(warp.thread_rank() == 0 && rstd != nullptr) {
        __stcs(rstd + idx, s);

    // final normalization and scaling by weight/bias
    float* o = out + idx * C;
    for (int c = warp.thread_rank(); c < C; c += warp.size()) {
        // load and store using the .cs "streaming" hint to the compiler,
        // indicating that this data will not be reused soon, and can be streamed through the caches
        // this allows the threads to get more cache-hits for the (shared) weight and bias parameters
        float n = s * (__ldcs(x+c) - m);
        __stcs(o+c, n * weight[c] + bias[c]);

void layernorm_forward(float* out, float* mean, float* rstd,
                       float* inp, float* weight, float* bias,
                       int B, int T, int C) {
    const int block_size = 128;
    const int N = B * T;
    const int grid_size = CEIL_DIV(N * 32, block_size);
    layernorm_forward_kernel3<<<grid_size, block_size>>>(out, mean, rstd, inp, weight, bias, N, C);


这个 kernel 需要关注的点是对于 cooperative_groups 这个库的运用,比如下面这段代码

cg::thread_block block = cg::this_thread_block();
cg::thread_block_tile<32> warp = cg::tiled_partition<32>(block);
int idx = blockIdx.x * warp.meta_group_size() + warp.meta_group_rank();
if(idx >= N) {

这里实现了一个 warp 负责一行的计算,如果用 blockIdx, blockDim, threadIdx 来实现如上的功能,代码差不多像下面这样

int warp_size = 32; 
int idx = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) / warp_size;
if(idx >= N) {

而随后 warp.thread_rank() 可以替代 threadIdx.x % warp_size,整体来说感觉使用 cooperative_groups 可以让代码更加清晰,直观。

cooperative_groups 的另一个核心功能是支持更细粒度的 thread group 的 sync,传统使用 __syncthreads() 的时候,整个 block 的所有 thread 都会被阻塞。在我们的这段代码中,cg::thread_block_tile<32> warp = cg::tiled_partition<32>(block) 把 32 个 thread 分成一个 thread group (warp),在 warp level 上进行 sync,sum = cg::reduce(warp, sum, cg::plus<float>{})

Cooperative Groups: Flexible CUDA Thread Programming 这篇文章对 cooperative_groups 有详细的介绍,强烈推荐阅读。